• 02 8 5242855 & 02 8 5280149
  • motherbutlerguild1961@gmail.com
  • Pius XII Catholic Center, Manila, PH
MBG Statement July 18, 2020

MBG Statement July 18, 2020

The Mother Butler Guild (MBG) is deeply saddened at the news that the Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, D.D., President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) suffered a stroke. That this should happen when the Church and the entire nation are still reeling from the ravages of the covid-19 pandemic adds to our grief. But the Lord consoles us. The CBCP is in the good and capable hands of the Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio S. David, D.D. who is now its Acting President.

As we beg our Lord for the fast and complete healing of Archbishop Valles, we also pray that He sends a double share of His Spirit to Bishop David.

As a sign of solidarity with the CBCP and our staunch support for all our Archbishops and Bishops during these critical times, I am enjoining, together with the MBG National Executive Board, our entire membership nationwide now blessed by God with a base of thirty-five thousand to observe a day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. All Diocesan Councils, Parish Units and Special Units will, on this aforementioned date, pray the Rosary at any given time, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. They are also to fast on this day.

The Mother Butler Guild trusts that those who have kept faith in the promises of God and His Divine Mercy will never be abandoned nor put to shame.

O, dearest Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, guide and sustain our shepherds. Enable us to be able to do our part in helping them bring healing, harmony and peace to our people, especially the poor, as God wills it and for His glory.

For the Mother Butler Guild

National President
Dated July 18, 2020

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